Spring Sowing the Seeds for a Better Season
When Fall is the Season for the Harvest; Spring is the Season where seeds can grow based on how you water those seeds. This is the season where you water those seeds and see your seeds grow. This season is Spring. Do you have a project that you are working on? This is the time for it to grow. This is a great time if you are working on a book, a video, a podcast series and start to work on it so in the Summer and Fall with the Harvest Season you could see those seeds grow. You have to do the work and nurture the project even to see it succeed and do well. And also, this is the season for Spring Cleaning. Where you usher out the old items and bring in the new. This is how the season goes. Just as the new year ushers out the old to bring in the new. The New Year is a beginning, but the work to usher out the old products happens in the beginning of the year. Once money is earned it could go to projects that are needed or to an ever looming debt because you don't have any money. ...