Abraham Lincoln Faced Depression to Lead the Country
Abraham Lincoln Portrait by Joseph Evaldi Made in the 2010s Born into Poverty Abraham Lincoln Rises to US President Abraham Lincoln was the U.S. President that bridged the gap between the old world and the beginning of the new world. He was the President of the countries worst battle on American soil to this date and ironically he was the last casualty. Abraham Lincoln was born in a log cabin and into poverty in Kentucky in February 12, 1809. And in the beginning days he stood well over 6 foot. The one of two Presidents of the United States to be involved in pro wrestling which was different from this time. The second was Donald Trump with the World Wrestling Entertainment. Abraham Lincoln made head ways with debates with Stephen Douglas in 1858 when he went for the US Senate, but then in 1861 he became the 16th President of the United States . There was an uproar with the South and the Confederacy where Jefferson Davis headed up the Confederacy and broke away from ...