The Credit Card Trap and the Need to Save Money
How The Creditor's Catch You? If you were young like me in your teens and if you are struggling now in debt or scrounging every bit of dollar you can to put you gas you are buying on credit, well this blog is for you because this is a time to be more conservative with your spending and not spend a lot with inflation. Take it from me I went broke before and cameback and am paying my bills on time, but I like many fell into the credit card trap . This was an early video I did and I should have learned my lesson, but life gets demanding and the pandemic happens. Next thing you know you are spending money that you don't have for gas on credit. Credit Card keep you trapped. The bill add up next thing you know is that you are frustratated that you are taking endless time paying off a debt and you are wondering why you can't catch up with the Joneses. Well screw the Joneses, be like Warren Buffett. He was smart to have the same car for years and thinks about how to make more mo...