Our Right to Freedom and Our Struggle

     Yesterday I wrote of the many cases of bullying and what it's done to me, but this situation has affected others. How many of us are laughed at or discriminated against because of the color of your skin, because of if your "fat" or "skinny", because your "slow". or have a "mental illness" and are categorized what illness you have or what disability. We are even bullied for financial status or what position we have or even how much money we make. For example, I'll use retail, the guys in the back aren't accepted by the people on the floor, the supervisiors and mangers have their own click and it goes up from their. In every click their is a boss of others. And the big boss has the power to cut your hours at free will. It's a messed up system.

     That's just one aspect of hierachal bullying. Is any group any better. Is the function of the boss any different then the function of the low level employee and who are they to play God for who gets to eat or not.

     Back in the day we at least wrote laws based on the Bible, or the Ten Commandments. These laws were based on God. I might disagree with some of these laws and I know they are outdated, but their was a code amongst men to follow. There were bullies then because those who wrote the laws had the power. Well why can't I write laws am I not that powerful. Well these laws today are written by people and are not backed by God. They are unlevel that the laws work for those who profit of of them and they give us scraps. This is a form of bullying.

     It reminds me of the extremes in the movie Braveheart where the British were doing every imaginable thing possible and they gave Scottish people land and entitlements and people would not give up those entitlements and William Wallace carried out with his vision for Scotland after tragedy struck him. His vision was for Freedom of Scotland. He died with his dream, but eventually it got carried out by the future King.

     Fact is we are governed by everything that we need our freedom. This time though instead of united on a country scale we now need to unite on a local scale. People who don't even know us make laws on us. We make payments for credit card companies who rape us when we borrow, we know the situation with housing you can't even afford to live now if you are working in retail, Not to mention gas, electric, cable, internet, car insurance, health care don't give us a break. Bottom line is people are being bullied All because they need their cut. Who are we actually working for anyway?

     We are working for everyone but our selves and we are working for people that don't care for us unless we take action and be creative with our talents. They even want a piece of what we create. We need to fight back and band together. We need to create our own companies and help others to achieve that financial freedom. We need more entreprenaurs and visionary people.

     There have been people who have profited by doing this and they have helped others. It's just that we need to stand up to our oppressers Those that want us to pay a fee for being late. I remember I failed to make payments on my credit cards and they charged me for for it. Talk about bullying the poor and punishing them. I had an illness to, but do they care. They just kick you while you are down. We as the people need to stand up to the Powers. Not by Violence, but by different tactics. The Civil Rights Movement did just that and it challenged the laws. There are tactics to fight and we just have to take action and not let it happen or suppress us. You have to wonder where the money is going.

     Whoever made the money idea is evil. Now numbers on the screen determine who is richer then the other. What makes President Obama better then me. The stress of a job of dealing with people for what's right for the country which he is not doing. He acted like an ass during the debates and answered nothing. Yet he won on a technicality because Mitt Romney didn't focus much on the storm when it hit. He was no where near to be found. I am a fighter and fight everyday with very little money and I work a job that I won't mention what goes on, I write on the side and I have endured every emotional stress internally more so then him. I've read 72 books for the past 4 years. Endured a group that bullied each other everyday to get themselves to the top. Yet just because I don't have the title of President of the United States I don't have those benefits. He is a bully and he gets bullied by others. Why can't we have a President for once who does the right thing for the people. And sometimes the right thing is not the popular choose to many and yet we put up with this bull shit. Everyday. We start our revolts but they go no where and are laughed at. Where is our Arab Spring? Where is our revolution and our voice? Just like the American Revolution it started with the Boston Tea Party and now is time for the true Revolution to take place. A Peaceful Revolution that restores our rights as citizens of the United States.

     Put an end to the bullying people and take back your rights. If everybody revolts creatively and takes back this country then we could make this world a better place.


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