Bio of Paul Franks in A Soul Warrior's Journey

     This blog will be about the character Paul Franks in A Soul Warrior's Journey. Paul Franks is a friend of Joseph Woods. For those who have not been following this blog. Joseph Woods is a character in the book who has addiction problem and he bumps into an acupuncturist to help him with some of his problems. Paul gives Joseph a hard time, but not as much as their mutual friend Shawn Williams.

     Paul has given Joseph a hard time, but his views change after Joseph leaves the group for a little bit. Once he goes out with Stephanie. He starts to see the true colors of Shawn. As Shawn flirts with Stephanie, despite having a girlfriend in Emily Dickens. Emily is the women that Joseph once had a crush on, but she fell for Shawn and went with Shawn with Joseph seeing them.

     Emily than sees Shawn with Stephanie and tells Paul, but Shawn tries to lie. Paul gets suspicious and asks for Joseph for help. Joseph is brought back into the their story. The story unfolds.

     Paul's story might be small, but it is significant when it comes to Joseph's story in the first chapter of the book.

     Stay tuned for more bios of characters in A Soul Warrior's Journey.


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