The Passage of Joe: Marketing Yourself in Today's World

How do you market yourself in today's world? Is all lost? Or have the opportunities not present themselves? What is the key to success?

First, there is marketing. You need to be a good at marketing yourself and to be a good businessman or business woman. The fact is we all have the tools to succeed in life and haven't had that business opportunity presented to them and some have. And you have to work for success.

I haven't been doing the right things like many. Like many I am an employee. I work for the benefit for others and I miserable with life. I bust my ass in two jobs and I work on my dream on the side, but I am going nowhere and the sad thing is like many I dedicate my hard earned hours and I'm either not treated good or not even paid attention to. I'm just doing a job. However, one of my jobs they look out for my health. They gave me time off to recuperate. I have been stressed like many. How do you market yourself when the environment doesn't support you.

You have to create your own way and when your family tells you it's no good don't do it or your environment complains about life you find a new way to let life work for you. And it's going to be a lot of work, but it will be worth it at the end unlike a job that you labored how many years for and the thanks they give you is 12 hours a week. And you need to get another job.

A way out is using the same marketing tools you use and creating a business. Create residual income and let money work for us. We have become dependent on our jobs while opportunities my be nowhere around us until they find us.

My dream is to write and I can do that. It is possible. I wrote two books when I was told by a job that I worked at for many years that I had better look for another job even though they held on to me. And my dream continues. I didn't give up. I'm making life a reality for me and you will see in the coming months that I will not be a prisoner of life, but I will be make life work for me and I have the heart to make it. It's a matter of that effort you put into what you will market and how good of a salesperson you are.

I also want to be a business owner now and escape my environment and it's not that I don't like my environment because I do, but there is negativity and nobody thinks it's possible to escape their lives. They want comfort.

However, how comfortable are we in jobs that could lay us off in a blink of an eye, if we are policeman and in the army how comfortable are they when they could be shot and killed. How comfortable are we when we work in a job for 30 years and we can't afford the payments on the house anymore. The truth is in this life we are not comfortable and we have to risk a little.

We have to put ourselves out there in a smart way. People will find us when we have money or something to offer, they are users. They were either no where to be found or kicked us when we are down. Life is a cruel place and you have to be tough and be willing to work hard to make it. Many people don't realize this concept. But you also have to help others get what they want like Zig Ziglar said. This is the key to marketing in this world and we do it every day. The old world still applies in this world. It's just now we have technology.


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