Putting Money Aside for Those Fun and Exciting Times in Life
Times Might Be Bad, But We are Planning for Future Times With it being Sumer time which is a time to relax and go on vacation. It's that time of year to think about using your money with something fun. Even though right now it may not be easy, but we are planning for future times when things get better. And this can be done any time of year. Rather you are going to Vermont for a skiing trip, backpacking in Europe, or going on that memorable trip to Disney. And the fun things you can do don't even have to be out of town. I'm sure your town has many things going on and if your town is small, maybe you have to travel to the next town. With many things to do for fun, let's talk about what you can do for fun. How do you save for fun? How do you put a fund together for the moments that will last a lifetime? A fund like this takes time to build up and it should be started at anytime. Either it's putting down $5 a paycheck or $50 a paycheck. You want this fund to m...