Can We Cutback on Coffee To Save Money?

I love my coffee as anyone else. I won't deny that I am a big coffee drinker. I go to The Coffee House in Edison, NJ a local coffee shop in town for my coffee. And how can I work or go anywhere else without my coffee. I've spent about $5,000 on coffee in a span of 5 years. I'm a writer and it is an expensive habit. I do enjoy it, but there is alternative ways that I could approach having that coffee in the morning.

Many people love there coffee fix including me. They go to Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts or a local coffee shop in town. Many people go for the atmosphere and the coffee. They love working on whatever their doing and having their coffee.

However, is there an alternative way we can save money for the sake of our fix. For starters, we can go to the library and make our own coffee when we go. This gives us the opportunity to work in a different environment. This creates a different way of approaching our finances.

Also, you can cut down on coffee and get yourself a hot coffee. This is much cheaper, but in the summer who can think of having a hot drink, that's why iced coffee's go.

All of this is good theory, but we are creatures of habit. We like our environment to go to. This is why many people like bars and go to coffee shops. This is why I like going to coffee shops. And it is a crutch of mine and many. Writing and Coffee go hand and hand and it adds up. This is what David Bach suggested in the Latte Factor when he said small expenses add up and could be used for retirement investments.

And maybe their is a way you don't have to give up that cup of joe as long as you put some aside for when you need it, then maybe you can still drink that coffee everyday.

For more on tips about saving go to my book Saving: How to Save Your Money (Money: Learning the Basics Book 2).

In my other blogs this month I will be discussing about personal finances as is important to all of us.
