Monthly Update for December 2015

I am going to give you an update of what I have been up to lately and what will come. Also, I will give you an outlook of what I am going to do with this blog.

For starters, since October 2015, I have been regrouping. It has been a busy year. I have worked very hard. For the month of November I was just warn out, but that doesn't mean I lost my focus even though it might seem that way. It leaves a time to re-think my strategy. This has been a great year. I have come up with my new books for the Kindle, 5 books on paperback and 6 audiobooks. I am even releasing The Evolution of the Squared Circle: The Production of Professional Wrestling this year December 26, 2015 on the Amazon Kindle. It is a story of how the Production value of wrestling has evolved since the 1950's.

However, when you need a break, you take one and I did, but now it's time to get prepared for the next year and it's time to go do it again the next coming year. This leaves me time to re-think my strategy as I stated before. I feel as if I have been going in all different directions and it's been fun. As I find my brands identity. I've thrown around names, I've written many things, and I've worked hard. I still want to incorporate video into my work next year. Just recently I have added a podcast on spreaker and it can be found on Itunes to.

However, when your doing so much work, it's time to link them together. It's time to make work that I do consistent with each other. If I write a blog, it should coincide with my book or my podcast. There should be a relationship with them and each other. Just as I mentioned in my podcast, it seems as it we are moving at hyperspeed and it seems as there is disconnect with everything. I heard a little from a PW Torch Podcast and I then made my own podcast. A little clip is at the bottom of this blog.

The theme that is coming back and it will be the central theme and that is The Passage of Joe. It is coming back. It will be a topic or central theme that I talk about. It will be once a week starting in January. I will talk about Self Help, Finance, Business and Inspiration topics. I will stick to this theme. I will also give a monthly report more consistently.

This year has been a good productive year, but as the year winds down more is to come. You will get to know my books personally and as the late Dusty Rhodes said, "My hand is touching your hand." "My words will be touching your spirit." And I plan on being more in tune and reaching out even if that is a few minutes a day.

As the holidays are approaching and the year is winding down, we get prepared for the next year. We all try to make sense of the year and plan for what is another year. And I have an idea what I will do next year and I will work on that vision and work on that dream. Many things change and my vision has changes many times. I have chosen something I have enjoyed and it's time to step in that role.

All we can do this month is outline and prepare for the year. Remember what we learned and did this year and don't forget and right that list down. It has been a good year. And around New Years I will be back with Monthly Report. I will keep you posted when I write another blog. The year is not over I will keep you posted with something new. My Podcast is called Joseph Evaldi's Podcast and my other blog is The Temple of Wrestling.

This has been a good year. Till next time.



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