Passage of Joe: Routine and Chasing the Ideal in Life

Routines are something that set the day in motion and the exit the day. Some may feel like they are victims of the day and life just happens to them as they are set in motion. I have been there before. Routines also set a strong routine on how you are going to finish the day.

Everyone of us has a unique end to our day, rather it is with or without someone. My weekday routine is different then my weekend routine. Because I go to my job on weekends and I have to prepare during the week for the weekends. The other things I enjoy are my hobbies and I do for fun. I may see little profit, but I do them for fun and I am building a strong foundation. And my foundation has grown stronger.

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Many feel that they should exit their passion when the going gets tough. It is this time that life tests you. Last year tested all of us. Rather it was financially, romantically, in business, etc. We faced that dilemma and while some are on top, some like me had to rediscover their roots and find out where they were coming from.

It was in the beginning of 2008, I was coming off some very bad years no need to go into detail, but I was out of control. I just wanted to hid from the world. I was disgruntled and exhausted. I worked many hours and I started to read and watch YouTube videos. I was so angry towards the end of 2008 and was heavily into the Conspiracies that I said to myself I have to strive to be like the late Dr. Wayne Dyer. I watched his PBS specials and bought his book Change Your Thoughts - Change Your Life: Living the Wisdom of the Tao.

At the time, I felt that I needed to be positive with my life and I knew the direction I needed to take. I started to read and a year later I started to write blogs. I worked on myself making myself stronger. I switched the input I put in my brain. And then I work harder then ever before. The fact is I was trying for an ideal that would never be reachable and then I realized in the middle of life to give up on the ideal and just enjoy life. And this is after a few months. My routine may change, but I am always chasing an ideal that only exists for one moment and it is that euphoria.

Well that euphoria didn't happen when I was on top, it didn't even happen when I was working on my dream. It was at Barnes and Noble because I remembered the past. And thought back to all I had accomplished.

I was always my biggest critic still today. I might have mentioned about corruption in government and business before, but the worst critic has been myself. I realize a good thing about me is I keep accomplishing because I believe their are no limits to what we can accomplish. We limit ourselves to how much we make, but we sell ourselves short. Many feel they have to sell themselves out to make it big. This is not the case. We can slowly build our dreams and then venture out and advertise to spread the word.

Many are afraid of rejection. But all of it doesn't matter when we leave this earth. All that matters is the imprint that we left one another.

We can chase an ideal that will never come or a high, or we can do a routine that will gain appreciation and rediscover the stuff we used to do and enjoy life and love again. While we have that opportunity to be there, we should arrive. Don't throw in the towel no matter how hard it gets. Tomorrow will be a battle and tomorrow will be another one. This is where we really on enjoying our routine and making life better.

Let's make life better.


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