Coffee of The Day: Breakfast Blend Seattle Best

In this new blog, I will discuss about coffee's, chocolates, and even teas. I have a passion for each and a new found passion in tea. This blog is for the coffee lover. In this blog I will tell you what I did during the day. Where I bought it? And how I felt when I drank it. I will give you the true experience of the item. This is something I always wanted to do for a blog and that is do a blog on something that I like and this is what I like.

Seattle's Best Breakfast Blend

I was looking for a coffee to get and I wasn't sure what to get. I never had Seattle's Best Breakfast Blend before and I went to Shoprite looking for the blend. I started making my coffee awhile ago knowing that it is a way to save money by making your own Iced Coffee. I will have some hot coffee for the sake of this blog. Then I brought it home.

I didn't drink it for awhile, but this past Saturday I caved in and I brewed a pot of coffee. I try to limit my coffee intake now and I only had one cup. I mixed it with Torani Classic Caramel Syrup and I mixed it with 3 Sweet 'N Low Zero Calorie Sweetner . And it tasted really good I also mixed it with milk and added ice for extra touch.

It was a delicious drink of the day as I was ready to do a podcast for The Joseph Evaldi Network. I would recommend this coffee. This coffee had a sweet taste to it even with the caramel and it was a really enjoyable experience that I had.

This blend as I said I would recommend it is one of the better ones. I think it is better then McCafe, but McCafe is coming along as a Coffee force to be reckoned with in it's stores.

Overall, I had a good coffee drinking experience. And it kicked me in gear as I did my podcast and I enjoyed the work that I did.


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