Update for Fall 2021 for The Joseph Evaldi Brand
This is the time of year that I enjoy the most and that is Fall. I enjoy this time of year not only for the change of season, but my Annual Harvest Blog. It is a time of year where I discuss a little bit about the season and discuss how I have grown during the year. First let me let you know what we have been working on during the course of the Summer.
Thanks to my help of Sierra Bliss. We have been working on a project that will soon be revealed once it is completed. It is very exciting to say the least and I will keep everyone informed on what it is very soon.
Also, we have been working hard in The Joseph Evaldi Network Studios. I have stuck with Spreaker for the remainder of the Contract. We also have our site on Patreon.com where we are providing Podcasts for people who are interested in what we have to offer.
In the Summertime, we launched a new podcast that is on Patreon. The season will later be available in the archives. It is called: "Improving Your Mental Health."
In the meantime, we have been focusing our attention on Podcasting during the Summer and were in the studios recording and we have some podcasts to reveal for you at this time for The Joseph Evaldi Network.
1. The Archives of The Joseph Evaldi Network: We will do a podcasting show based from the archives of The Joseph Evaldi Network. This is from The Golden Era of the network. Some podcasts feature the earlier ones that are no longer on the air on Spreaker. Some shows were Old Slo Mo Joe Timeless Poetry Show, Spiritus Holographica, Journal to the Dreamscapes, old The Joseph Evaldi Podcast episodes, and The Totem Wolf Show. Some episodes of News with Joe Vector and the recent podcast of Improving Your Mental Health will be aired at a later date.
2. Joe on Relationships: This will be a show to not only about Joe's take on love relationships, but friend relationships, business, family, and much much more. Joe shares his wisdom on what he has learned in certain situations.
3. News with Joe Vector: Joe will be returning with the News Show of Joe Vector. In this season, Joe Vector, the Ace Reporter will report on finances in the world and inflation, Starbucks shortage problems, and many other stories as well.
Stay tuned for up and coming blogs and updates. In The Harvest Blog we may soon have further details on the project to come. We are very excited going into Fall. In a Pandemic we rose with our craft. Even though the Golden Age of The Joseph Evaldi Network and the brand is over. We enter into a new age. We went through our growing pains. We rose fell and stood tall despite defeat. We went through defeat. Then we came back howling in the wind. Now our goal is to,"Prosper and Stand Tall."
We have accomplished many things and we plan on accomplishing more, but only with the value for our fan base. We appreciate those who help us accomplish what we accomplished past and present. This is the new vision for our brand. It melds the old and the new.
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