3 Ideas on How to Set a Budget and Plan for the Future

 We have many expenses such as bills, car expenses, and emergency expenses, but with all these expenses, how do we plan for the future. How do we put aside certain cash and grow it. This is where we have the little bit of cash in every expense even if it is $4 or $5 a sale and split it up. In this blog I will explain how I go through the process of doing this. And it is okay to ask for help because little bit of dollars helps out. 

Set Your Funds

This is where it is very important to set your funds rather it is a Couple Fund, a You Fund, an Investment Fund, Retirement Fund, and even an Emergency Savings Fund. It is important to contribute to these funds. Remember you are planning for the future here. The more funds you have the better. You don't want to put your eggs in one basket. And with your contributions with your side hustles or regular check you can slowly grow these funds, and it will pay off. 

Pay the Minimum of Your Bills on Time and then Extra on One Debt Payment

I know this is a loaded headline, but it makes sense. Pay the minimum on your debt, and then send a little extra on one debt payment and add to it. This will Snowball the payment. Eventually, you will pay one debt off and you could tackle the other. I am starting to work with this method the idea it to have this strategic plan and then you will be able to tackle it as the debt payments go down.

Set Your Financial Goals

What do you what to achieve? Where do you want to go? For some it is going overseas on a trip to Europe and for some it maybe be collecting Baseball Cards from the 60s and 70s. It is different for all people. Maybe you want to start and fund many businesses. Having a goal is important. Once you have a goal you will have an idea of what to work towards. That is why I set different fund.

For other tips on Budgeting check out my book which is available in audio called Budgeting: How to Budget Your Money which is written by Joseph Evaldi. This will give you other ideas on Budgeting. I wrote this book about 10 years ago. 

Budgeting is a part of life. Having set goals, an idea for debt payment, and focus in on setting your funds you will have a clear-cut plan on how to take care of your finances. 

This blog is written by Joseph Evaldi. You could find him at Facebook for more posting blogs at Joseph Evaldi and you could follow him on X at Wolfman Joe Evaldi. 


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