
Showing posts from February, 2014

Monthly Report for March 2014

This is the Monthly Report for March 2014. First I will discuss a little bit of what I worked on this month and I will discuss what I will work on the month of March. For the month of February, I worked on a feature in this blog called The Passage of Joe, which is turning into a self help, motivational and inspirational blog. I also did an interview with Steve Beal, who is a musician and artist in the New Jersey and New York area. I also bought a new camera so I could take footage of myself speaking about any topic. A camera helps me take pictures and video footage which I need right now. I took two videos of Steve Beal playing to test out my camera and posted them on youtube. I also created two videos featuring my poems. In the month of March, I plan on doing the same of what I have been doing, except I will be tweaking some of the stuff I am doing. I like writing the Passage of Joe and I will try to write this blog once or twice a week depending on what is going on that week. ...

The Passage of Joe: Not Quitting to Life Dreams

In Life we face many trials and tribulations. Some of which I mentioned in some of these Passages of Joe, but it shouldn't mean that we give up on our dreams. We have to keep going. We keep on continuing even if we want to quit. I say don't quit. In life we face many obstacles and get knocked down. We may even feel like wanting to give up on our dreams. And in our dreams we have to fight as I've said yesterday. And you need to continue no matter how hard it is. You might not have money, or in a bad location, or might not have the right tools, etc., but you should quit or make excuses. You find a way to do what you want to do. By being creative and innovative you can do what you want. You could envision your dream and let it challenge yourself until you keep your goal in mind. Become one with it. This is how I approach life. I don't say I'm going to be a writer or a video maker.I am it. I made myself it. There is always room for improvement, but you don'...

The Passage of Joe: Living the Dream

I once heard from someone I used to work with who happened to be number one in sales with a company country wide. He told me many times He was Living the Dream. This Passage is for him. Because he had the right idea. He strived for the best every day and he had the right attitude greeting people and making the sales. For those in JC Penney know his name. He kept himself in positive spirits and surrounds himself with positive people striving to better themselves. I often asked the question what does it mean to live the dream? And what do you go through to live the dream? To live the dream, you've got to fight for the dream. And you've got to keep that dream going no matter how hard it gets. It might be the road less traveled, but there is a reward there to it. And there is a reward to greatness. Every time you go for a sale, every time you go for the marathon, every time you go for a best seller. You have to work for the dream and when you get it, you have to fight to keep...

The Passage of Joe: Drive

On this Passage of Joe I want to talk about drive. What drives the force within? Let me tell you a story, last year my job didn't give me the hours. I was maybe at one day a week at both jobs. I was told I needed to find another job by a boss even though I'm still there. I might have quit and give in, but I got driven. I couldn't let life get the best of me, so I wrote. I finished two books I was working on last year and I also had extreme pain in my mouth, but I kept going and didn't give in. And still I hold out for something intangible that doesn't make sense. I hold out for my dream with writing. Even if there isn't money there, I do it because it is a way of being. It is a part of me. In life we got to want to do things or life will bury us."Life will beat us into the ground" as Sylvester Stalone said in Rocky Balboa. And many of us lose focus of our drive. Many of us make excuses or settle with what life gives us. And we slowly die within ...

Interview with Steve Beal: The Artist, Musician, and Certified Personal Trainer

          Interview with Steve Beal: The Artist, Musician, and Certified Personal Trainer                        On a cold and snowy night on February 9, 2014, Steve Beal came to a small place called The Coffee House in Edison, NJ to play music for people who come every week to see him play. His playing on Sunday adds to the feel for The Coffee House. It is a coffee house where almost everyone gets to know each other just as Starbucks used to do many years ago.             I’ve heard Steve Beal play before, but I kept on hearing the rave about his music as he is the main attraction on the last night of the weekend which is Sunday night. It is a night where people are getting ready to go to work the next day and enjoy their coffee and Steve Beal.     ...

The Passage of Joe: The Benefits of Being a Giver at Work

In my latest The Passage of Joe I am going to writer about the benefits of being a Giver at work. I watched this video by Michelle McQuaid and it gave good points such as the giver finishes last and first. And the takers claim all the credit for the givers, but eventually their flaws will be spotted and the givers will earn credit. Givers are the heart of their company. They do all the work and seldom complain. Only time they get upset is when someone is given the promotion that didn't earn it, but they stole the credit. Eventually frauds are found out. But I'm not going to dwell on the Takers. We know what they do. I'm going to focus on why the givers are the heart. They do all the work and some of it is the work that nobody else will do. Also, they work hard to help others to do their job well. They are the unrewarded leaders. They are humble with their approach to life. They just want to do their job and help others get to the next level even when they are capab...

The Passage of Joe: Freedom at the Workplace

In this Passage of Joe I'd like to add my commentary on this video in the Community Call Clip- Freedom in the Workplace on Panic to Freedom. Many points were raised in this video such as why we aren't free in the workplace and our horror stories. I'm first going to discuss my work experience and I will discuss how the two don't compare. First, I enjoy writing, blogging and I even could market a video or two. I enjoy this because I'm free, but why am I working in an environment where part of my spirit is miserable in it, but I am a product of my religion's philosophy implanted in me when I was young and it's hard to break. It's the philosphy of doing what you don't like and suffer and you will be rewarded in the end. This philosophy seems to be flawed in away and needs changing. Now you go to a job with people with negative feelings are depressed with their job and are disempowered to do what they love. Some have broke free and have done amazi...

The Passage of Joe: Financial Freedom

In this latest Passage of Joe I wish to discuss a little about a Panic to Freedom video from Spirit Science with my take on Financial Freedom. In this video they raised many good points such as why do we work so hard and go nowhere working on someone elses dream? And why we aren't wealthy and are broke in a time like this. In other words our perception of money. As Ray said in this video and I agree money has turned into a form of control and their isn't even exchange. They tried their best to answer this question and I will add my answer to this debate. For starters, the old ways don't work anymore. We can't expect our employers to take care of us and give us hours and in some regards we are doing that job because it is difficult to make it with our talents alone. At least this was the old way of thinking. We were trained to be subservient to our companies who always monitored us to see if we weren't meeting their standards. Such as times where we were working an...