The Passage of Joe: Financial Freedom

In this latest Passage of Joe I wish to discuss a little about a Panic to Freedom video from Spirit Science with my take on Financial Freedom. In this video they raised many good points such as why do we work so hard and go nowhere working on someone elses dream? And why we aren't wealthy and are broke in a time like this. In other words our perception of money. As Ray said in this video and I agree money has turned into a form of control and their isn't even exchange. They tried their best to answer this question and I will add my answer to this debate.

For starters, the old ways don't work anymore. We can't expect our employers to take care of us and give us hours and in some regards we are doing that job because it is difficult to make it with our talents alone. At least this was the old way of thinking. We were trained to be subservient to our companies who always monitored us to see if we weren't meeting their standards. Such as times where we were working and we were talking to another coworker about something and it was frowned upon by the boss. They didn't like us talking with one another for reasons we might find problems with their engine. And we felt shame for their words as this has been a shame filled society. You feel shame for going for your dreams and that's why we do everything in secret. We are shamed very young by our family and friends and if you were different like me you felt it.

This raises the problem about what is financial freedom. How do you feel comfortable with money, when many of us don't feel good about it or are afraid of success then we sabotage ourselves and live up to societies values. If we fail and complain we follow up to societies values. This is a true battle we face and we have to work past our fears and gain the courage to work on something we love.

For example, anyone who made massive amount of money had created it and they took that money and invested it for help with their vision. Steve Jobs did this. He was an inventor and changed the world and had everyone using his products that he made. He didn't reinvent the wheel. He just made those products better. Now every electronic company is trying to follow in his footsteps. If you asked him what he enjoyed more his creation or his money. He would say if he was alive, his creation.

Money is good. We need money for clothing, food and shelter, also to meet people and to go places we never dreamed of if we are adventurous. The meaning of money is different for each of us, but we could get along on one thing and that we want financial freedom. We don't have to sell our stuff, but we can trade them for value. And we have different values on things. Our companies don't think of us as valuable anymore. We just hold their engine up.

It's time we create something together and change how society does things. Change doesn't happen over night. With our talents we could do amazing thing as Gandhi said, "If you want the change, you have to be the change." We are the change and we could create a world that we want. Financial freedom is just one factor, but it gets there by how we emotionally feel, psychologically think subconsciously and spiritually think. We need to work on all and use our talents to get there.



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