The Passage of Joe: The Benefits of Being a Giver at Work

In my latest The Passage of Joe I am going to writer about the benefits of being a Giver at work. I watched this video by Michelle McQuaid and it gave good points such as the giver finishes last and first. And the takers claim all the credit for the givers, but eventually their flaws will be spotted and the givers will earn credit.

Givers are the heart of their company. They do all the work and seldom complain. Only time they get upset is when someone is given the promotion that didn't earn it, but they stole the credit. Eventually frauds are found out. But I'm not going to dwell on the Takers. We know what they do.

I'm going to focus on why the givers are the heart. They do all the work and some of it is the work that nobody else will do. Also, they work hard to help others to do their job well. They are the unrewarded leaders. They are humble with their approach to life. They just want to do their job and help others get to the next level even when they are capable of doing what needs to be done.

I am a giver at work. I do a lot of work at work and some of it I don't get credit for at least at my one job. I labor to do everything and not once have I got credit from the higher up. I don't complain, but just do my work. Sometimes I get credit, but I don't move up the ranks. The other job I did get rewarded for my hard work, but the full time job was stressful that I wanted to venture into my writing which I enjoyed. Still I do two jobs, but I just get by.

Some jobs we are capable of doing and others we are not. And we have to know our strengths or work on our weaknesses. The Takers lie their way to the top rather then seeing the skills that they have and use it. Givers give, but they need to learn how to take. Just a little.

We live in a society where 10 % takes and 90 % gives and this equation needs to be balanced. Us givers are the perpetual underdogs trying to work our way up the corporate ladder and maybe for some of us the corporate ladder isn't for us and we need to create another way of living.

The future we have to work towards is a more balanced society and it is one where we are more matchers than either giver or takers, but for the mean time we have to learn how to give right as this video suggests. Sometimes we don't get credit for our work and it may seem we are going nowhere, but relax we are doing the best we good and the change happens when we work on the inside.

The greatest things I have done I haven't profited off of or profited a very little and I plan on doing it more until I go somewhere. I know my readers will follow. I may lose a little or gain a little, but I will be rewarded by support and respect and eventually I will go somewhere. This is how we should view our jobs. If we don't do it for them, we should do it for us. We should look for ways that will make us stand out. We don't want to be ordinary. This is The Passage of Joe.


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