The Passage of Joe: Living the Dream

I once heard from someone I used to work with who happened to be number one in sales with a company country wide. He told me many times He was Living the Dream. This Passage is for him. Because he had the right idea. He strived for the best every day and he had the right attitude greeting people and making the sales. For those in JC Penney know his name. He kept himself in positive spirits and surrounds himself with positive people striving to better themselves. I often asked the question what does it mean to live the dream? And what do you go through to live the dream?

To live the dream, you've got to fight for the dream. And you've got to keep that dream going no matter how hard it gets. It might be the road less traveled, but there is a reward there to it. And there is a reward to greatness. Every time you go for a sale, every time you go for the marathon, every time you go for a best seller. You have to work for the dream and when you get it, you have to fight to keep it and you keep going. To be number 1 is where everybody rallies for you and even if they are against you, you strive towards greatness.

Even if you don't achieve greatness, you keep working. Despite the loss and rough times. And we faced many, but we have to be driven to change everything. We might have poor economy, poor government, poor friends, poor everything, but we have to change all of that and go to make a difference and truly live the dream.

We face our lives with a smile on our face because we know we lived our dream and we have done it every day. This is true success.


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