All Bloggers and Youtube Video Makers Should Charge For Their Services

We are struggling to survive in this day in age. We have talents that we are not getting paid for. Many people have had YouTube videos reaching 1 million views and only way they have made money on it is through advertisements. Bloggers have become the source of information when they want to look up a subject or read on it. Only way we get paid is through maybe pennies through blog or through advertising other peoples stuff.

The fact is video makers of YouTube and Bloggers are not getting paid for their services. We provide content and advertise items or bring people to their site yet we are not rewarded for our services, but companies or big time people are. Sites such as Google with YouTube and their blogger site have generated millions and those that produce content have received little for their services.

Musicians who are trying to make it have organizations that support them. Bloggers and YouTube video makers should have and organization to support them or I should say us. We put our time and effort in and we should get paid for our services. Even if it is a little bit from what we have offered to everyone a little appreciation for our hard work.

Many of us write or make video because we love it and we have made billions for companies who just support who they want. It is right to give money to those that make these companies make that money. Bloggers and YouTubers make people money, they say when something isn't working, and they promote ideas that can help. Their are various topics and this alone could generate the revenue to turn this world around. How about being paid for your knowledge and what you've contributed to this world.

YouTube or other video services have replaced traditional TV and bloggers have replaced traditional newspapers. Isn't it time to accept that fact and give us what we are worth. Even if it is .50 cents a view it will help a little for our services and we will do more of what we love. And we will be the new reporters of this new age.

They don't want to accept that, but we should be rewarded for what we do. We have done a lot to shape this world It's time to form an organization that will support bloggers and individual video makers for their services. Please comment or pass this video around if you agree. Even send this to companies Such as Goggle blogger or WordPress or sites that charge us for our services. We should charge everyone else and I know their are many of us.


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