Monthly Update for May 2014

I'm going to keep this brief, but last month I didn't write that much. I was going through some kind of funk and have been down on life. This is why I haven't been writing that much. I won't go into detail about this depression, but I'm sure you all know what it is. When you try to challenge life and the challenges keep pilling up rather it is work or the fact that you can't live on your own it is frustrating. Especially when there is something I want to do in life.  I don't want to go into detail about this frustration, but I will make an effort to write more and keep my dream alive.

A few months ago, I wrote and discussed that I would be helping out Spirit Science out as many are at this moment. This is what I plan on accomplishing this month and other months as well as my role on some blogs can be a guest blogger on the Spirit Science website. However, that doesn't mean that I can't do blogging of my own about the Spirit Science videos and add my take on the videos created from my knowledge I have. I am discovering like everyone else and I believe I can contribute to the team. I might not have read every post because I live a busy lifestyle, but out of my schedule I can write a blog and I call this blog on Spirit Science or Pair O Dime Shift, The Spirit Coffee Chat. I feel a lot has to be discussed. I know some might be angry about this idea, but that's ok. There is a mixture of emotions involved in it. Rather it's the way it is explained or them introducing concepts that have been battled for centuries. But I feel these very old concepts in a changing world can benefit the whole.

As you know society is in turmoil. Either we are taught to succeed without a backbone or we are going for broke getting there. Where are the old values in an evolving world and yes I said evolving. Whoever, can't deny that we are so attached to our gadgets that we are not even connected to humans anymore. We don't know or have social anxiety when dealing with situations. We resort to our caves just like in a cave man period. Only thing is we use tools to distract us rather then making us human.

I plan on continuing The Passage of Joe and I will postpone What Am I Grateful For?

There is a lot I will cover and I will come back with a furious passion. Keep reading. If you don't like what I post on my segment Spirit Coffee Chat. Feel free to write a comment or complaint. You have the right to do both. Maybe this will start an ongoing dialogue in what I believe and what you believe. We could come to a greater understanding.


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