Keeping Yourself Balanced

In this video of Patch Parables, Spirit Science describes the Parable of the Lute. A Lute is a musical instrument. They said when is too loose it doesn't play right and when it is too tight it doesn't play right at all too. It has to be just right. They then continued and said we have to tune it just right for it to play right. They then said we have to tune ourselves just like Lutes. We have to balance ourselves.

In life, we feel too stressed when we are at our jobs or in our relationships that we just zone out afterwards. We are never in a balanced state especially when we have how many gadgets that make us distracted. What is balance now a days and what is the new normal? We need to be relaxed in states of stress and we can't be to relaxed and let life pass us by. It is a balancing act.

I know this is a challenge when our world is in disharmony, use a philosophy. Focus on what you can change, try not to focus your attention on what you don't want, unless it drives you. Everybody is different and it's all about knowing ourselves.

What do we do to balance our lives? We are trying to figure out what is the best solution and doing what you love is one of them. Many are wasting our time on jobs that don't hold our attention rather then doing what we want to do in life. Maybe we aren't making money on our dream, but we shouldn't stop. Maybe if we work on the small things in life, they will grow into something great Just like tuning the Lute. When it is just right it plays great music and when we are all just right, we could do amazing things.


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