Happy New Year

Hello, everybody. Happy New Year. Last Year I featured blogs about my book A Soul Warrior's Journey that was released. Also last year I released my book Apparitions of a Warrior which was my book of poetry on Amazon, Barnes and Noble database and whatever online bookstore it can be found at.

This year I have an idea of what I want to do for a book, but my main focus this year will be blogging. I took some time off from writing at least some well deserved time. I was at my book A Soul Warrior's Journey for 2 1/2 years and also put time and effort into Apparitions of a Warrior.

This year I will spend sometime promoting my books, but I want to write new stuff and revisit a series that I was working on a while ago that I failed to post considering I will visit it again with this new year. This series is called The Struggle to Hollywood. It is a story about four people graduating from Acting school and they try to get their big break in Hollywood. They meet every month to let each other know how they did. I will re release this series of six episodes and I will come up with a new series every week.

If I have not written in this blog for awhile please accept my apology. This will be a big year for this blog and I will show some of the stuff that I am capable of. This should be a good year.

On a final note. I didn't have that much planned for this site except for promoting my book. I had another blog at wordpress but I will not use it as I have to much to do and just need one. My website I need to work on and change for this year. A lot needs to be improved, but I am only one man who works two jobs on the side this is what I do in my spare time so bare with me.

Through the storms I shall rise and I faced the storm and I will see what this year brings me. Stay tuned for this blog.


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