The Passage of Joe: Focus

For The Passage of Joe for today I'm going to speak about focus. Focus is the determination inside and it keeps that drive that's in you. Eric Thomas in this video captivates this message. He says you have to focus on the Why in life. What is your reason that drives you. Why do you fight. Is it for family or a greater cause or is it to please everyone else.

For many years I was wondering around without that much focus. I was making discoveries, but was I focused, but a light has been fused in me and as Eric mentioned in this video with the story of Buster Douglas you have to make a decision and create your opportunities. I like many made many excuses. Especially the fact that I thought I didn't have the talent or the self confidence to put myself out there.

But I changed. I have a lot more at stake and I've been beat up by living up to others standards and I got nowhere. I wanted to do what I wanted to do. I want to write, I want to do videos, I want to spread my truth. It was said that you don't want to die with your music in you. Well I have so much truth in me and I have a greater degree in life. I want to learn how to do things and I want to spread my truth. And I might face many challenges along the way, but I'm ready to face them. God only knows I've been knocked down many times and I've overcome every challenge and the challenges keep coming.

I can't give up and I won't. I started something and I'm going to work through it. I might not see any profits from my dream I do on the side, but I'm going to work at it and I will get there. And nothing is going to stop me when I get there. My success is to know others have succeeded with the knowledge I share. That's when I live and that's my focus.


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