The Passage of Joe: Commitment

To be committed to something is to follow it through. That is the greatest successes out. Someone who is committed doesn't quit. There may be times where you might want to give up and take the easy way out and many people do. They quit on a job, a marriage, or parenthood and they want the easy way out. There isn't an easy way out and you have to work to get to where you are going to.

In my life, I had to work and even with this blog I will show my commitment to come back and write. Or I will work on other projects, but I will work for a greater plan. I know I may sound preachy, but I am my father's son. He had a dream to help the unfortunate and he does that by his occupation of being a barber. The fire returned to him. He has been commited in his life. He worked in days of pain and he worked in days where things have gotten bad in the house. He complained about the weather and how bad it is, but he sucked it up and went to work. He might not have taught me by talking to me about it, but he taught me by example.

I might not have been the richest kid, but he taught me if you wanted something bad enough you have to work for it and stay committed. And there was some tough days for him. Tough when my grandma or nana was sick in bed unable to speak and on her death bed and I was sick, but he kept going even when it was tough and he is 71 years old and still working 6 days a week all to give what he has to others.

That's the lesson that I learned and in life I had to work. Nothing was handed to me. I wrote and completed two books and after not get any sales, I'm not discouraged I keep going with my writing. I just now share it with everyone because of my focus and commitment to my dream.

My dream might not manifest right away, but with a degree of focus it will manifest. You could visualize your dream and you'll get the signs your there, but is there a shame if you don't see what you manifest. Just think of all the good you did in getting there and think of the opportunities that open because of it. My brother is a prime example of that.

He wanted to be in the NHL, but his dream ended when he got cut from a Junior A hockey team, but he instilled his focus in on his son. He drove his son all over the country and Canada. He taught him skills and had other coaches teach him skills. He made great connections with the pros and even had met Mike Eruzione who taught him something. His life is being paved and had my brother not been as commited with this dream for his son that he could not complete, his dream would not be there. And his son is Eddie Evaldi.

He is 12 years old and is on the scouting rader and he could become one of the greats. All because of a commitment of the father. That is one thing my Dad taught me and my brother and that is commitment. As TD Jakes says in this video you can't brag about it and can't complain even though many people do, "It's a commitment."

In life we have to be committed to the right things and it may be difficult to not get what you want all the time, but life isn't like that. Greatness happens when you are committed to something and see it through. You have to really work at life and have to work on your dreams. You'll never know what life can be if you take that chance. To live is the true commitment.



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