The Struggle to Hollywood: The Acting Society

The Acting Society
            Johnny and his friends met up at Michael Pub. It was their monthly meeting and Johnny had a lot of concerns of how to break into the acting business and get some acting gigs. Shelton and Christy had some concerns to. It has been two months since they graduated acting class and they were empty in finding a role, except Shawn. They were hoping this month they would discuss something which would lead them into an acting role somewhere.
            Johnny said, “It’s been two months and I still haven’t found an acting gig yet and my bills are starting to pile up. What do I have to do to break into this business?”
            Christy added, “I’m having trouble to Johnny. I have been empty and I’ve tried.”
            Shawn then laughs and says, “You know Johnny and Christy, I’ve been acting for two months and have been successful and the actors advised me to join an acting organization which we call The Acting Society. This is an organization known to help actors and actresses get the roles that they want.”
            Johnny said, “The Acting Society, joining that organization sounds like a good idea. I have nothing to lose and maybe I’ll meet people that will help me to break into the business.”
            Shawn then commented, “The Acting Society sponsors all the main talent in New York and even in Hollywood.”
            Johnny said, “For once Shawn, your making a lot of sense.”
            Shawn commented, “If we are going to make it I’m going to help.”
            “We will see about that Shawn.”
            Shelton then spoke, “I don’t need any stinking organization to make it. I’ll make it on my own.”
            Both Shawn and Johnny laughed.
            Shawn said, “Have you ever seen a Hollywood star make it without any help?”
            Shelton responded, “No.”
            “Then it’s best to get the help you need and in this business, you need it.”
            Christy said, “Well I think joining an organization is a good idea. Hey maybe we will go somewhere with our acting careers if we do join.”
            Shawn then commented, “I already did and it’s worth the $40 a month.”
            Johnny said, “What that’s too expensive?”
            Shawn answered, “Is your acting career worth it though?”
            Shawn left his friends with food for thought. Was their acting career worth it to spend money on? That was the question they had to answer. Where were their careers going to go from here if they decided to join and utilize what The Acting Society had to offer?


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